Watercolor Animal Weavings Sneak Peak!!

This is why I teach!
This student finished his project one day ahead of the others. He was so excited that he finally "got it". Yes, he rushed, but he was so proud. This is a student who doesn't always do the best in school and it was amazing to see him so happy with himself. I am so proud of him too. I told him that next week he would be my assistant so we could both teach the rest of the class how it's done. Here is his wonderful watercolor animal weaving.
To see part one of this lesson click HERE.
Stay tuned for part 2!


Kreanimo said...

So wonderful if children are so proud at what they have drawn :-)

Amy said...

Hi there,
I am new to teaching art to kids and I have found some great things on your blog. Please feel free to visit my blog too. I love it when you see excitement in their eyes. thank you for sharing.

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