Art Room 2009-2010

You can see the basic layout of my classroom here.
I loved having the table names hang from the ceiling. But fire codes said I had to take them down...
This is a picture of how my kindergarten art class works. 
3 tables with 5 - 7 students at each
3 different centers - manipulatives, play dough, and art project
they rotate every 15 minutes!! 
Kids stay focused!!
I have a Free Draw shelf where students may free draw after they have finished and had a teacher check of their work. I also have many books and puzzles. 
1 piece of paper (front & back)
crayons and pencil only
1 drawing material (or book or puzzle) at a time
Every student has a portfolio. The portfolios are shown here behind the tab for each class. 
The tabs display the class code
Example: 2nd grade Kiser = 2 - K

Students also put the class code on the back of their work. 
Just had to share this. My paint brushes, water buckets for painting, and other things are in plastic "Pup-Corn" buckets!!
Big enough for storing and holding plenty of water for no refills!! Just make sure you clean them before you use them!

Thank you Mom and Dad for saving these!!
and thanks to Molly and Buddy for emptying them! 
Continuing and unfinished work is kept in a class cubby. I do wish that these were bigger. Class codes label each cubby. 
Work is stored by class and table color. I have 6 table colors and therefor 6 folder (folded 12"x18" paper) colors that each table places there work in at the end of class. 


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