Happy almost Valentine's Day!!
Kindergarteners have been working on love notes. I love this project because it is supper simple, works on basic skills, and the kids love to give "Love Notes". It also lends itself to a 10 minute art center. What you need: Construction paper crayons, scissors, stick glue, heart shapes, and various colors of 4 1/2"x6" construction paper.
My table set up: My tables sit 4 to 5. I place one box with scissors and glue, and a basket of construction paper crayons between two students to share.
First, we talk about Valentine's Day, what it means, what is a symbol we see, and what do we give people on this holiday. We also talked about who you could give a love note to.
Then, I explain that they must first pick up a heart and a color of construction paper from my table (choice).
Next, they need to color their heart (coloring skills), cut it out (cutting skills), and make a glue circle on their construction paper (gluing skills), and glue their heart down.
Then, they decorate the love note with the construction paper crayons. Finally, students flipped the note over and copied the phrase, "I love you!" on the back along with their name.
Students were really excited that they could take their notes home that day and give it to someone. One student even said they would give their note to the principal. :)

The other centers that took place during this class included dry erase paper free drawing/writing and play dough.
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