My followers know I love to teach
Kinders with Art Centers. But this year is going to put them to the test. I have always had Kinder classes of 20 or less. It was pretty simple to divide them into three groups of 6 or 7. This year we have a record number of Kinders enrolled. 5 classes with 24 to 26 in each!
My whole reason behind art centers was to cut down on behavior problems, keep them focused on a task, and teach them in a small group setting. All of which encouraged learning and creating. Would the centers still work? Why of course they will. I will just have to be a little more resourceful.
Here's the plan. I have 6 round tables and 1 kidney table. I will still have 3 main art centers, except this time; I'll have two tables per center. For example, 2 tables of building activities, 2 tables of play dough, and 2 tables of Toobers and Zots rotating every 12 minutes (45 min. class). So where will we create projects and have a lesson?
Kidney table allows for small group work. Teacher is always
facing the entire class so classroom management will be easier. |
I will "pull out"
one table at a time from the rotation to come to the "Art Center" at the kidney table for 12 minutes. When the 12 minutes are up I will pull another table and send the other back into the rotation. So only 3 tables will come to the art table each class time. The next class time the other three tables will come.
I know this means two art days of the same project, but I have had kinders master skills so much better when I can teach them in a small group. I love centers because they work.
All kinders start on Monday! I'll let you know how it goes.
Tables / Centers |
You are going to have your hands full! Best of luck!
I had kindergarten classes that size and larger last year, up to 31 at the beginning of the year. I just worked with two tables of kids at a time. It worked for me! 8-10 kids are still a "small" group. Good luck!
I am teaching Kindergarten for the first time in 25 years this year! Our district went to full day K this year so I have 6 new Kinder classes. I have been reading everything that all of you have to say about working with Kinders. I am looking forward to the experience! Thanks for sharing! :)
Hey Angie!
Yeah I think for many lessons I will use two tables. But I think in when we start to work on cutting and glueing I'll want them closer.
I just love my kidney table and wanted to use it in center work as much as possible. I may even have others pull their chairs up around it. Or heck it's art class.... do we need the chairs?
I have wanted to do centers with my kinders since I started teaching art 2 years ago. (Before that, I was in a regular ele. classroom) These are great ideas! Thanks!
Wow. I've never heard of this solution before, but it is certainly inspired. I teach about 25 full day kinders for an hour at a time. We do the art lesson all together for 30 minutes of so, then I have them work on a center for 30 minutes. We rotate centers each art class so they can have a chance at each. Let me know how this goes, I may share it with other teachers in my district.
Angelica, centers are awesome. Refer to my post that I mentioned at the beginning of this one for the full run down.
Jen, also refer to my 1st post on kinder art centers that I mention at the beginning of this post and it will tell you how I've done it before. It's what works for me and as we all know that some techniques work for some and others work for others. I highly recommend trying it. I love how you said you split the class time up though. Keeps them engaged.
I'm starting my seventh year at my school and I have had large kindergarten classes every year. I have never thought of doing the centers before! I will definitely try it with my kindergarten, and possibly with my pre-k and 3 year olds.
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