Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Art Room: After Pictures

Phew... I thought I'd never get done with my room.  As my followers know this is a new school for me and it's a new room for the art room.  I couldn't believe how long it would take to completely move rooms.  I feel for those of you that have to do this.  Plus side is everything is exactly where I want it.
Table folders ready

Helper numbers labeled on the chairs

Class schedules. We go by A - E day not Mon. - Fri.

I can flip and rotate them. 

Got this idea from pinterest!

This is how I'll post my standards/objectives.  They will be listed following each grades Eric Carle animal.

Another pinterest.

A class can earn 3 points at the end of class for good behavior.
They'll move their game piece the # of spaces they earn.
Art Party is the prize.  Idea from pinterest.

Removable game pieces by post-it! 

Toothless has a new high perch.

Desk area complete with bungee chair from The Container Store and my
Mother's filing cabinet that was still in the school 20 years later and somehow
ended up in my room.

Front board with kidney table.

Smart board in the corner.

Desk and door

Sink area

Large cubby/cabinets organized by media.

Free Choice center that will have to be built upon.

Kinder Corner

Great storage cubbies.

Most used supplies.

Love this easel! I can keep all the kinder stuff separate.

New Behavior Board

3rd grade's Eric Carle standard/objective animal

Idea similar to ART.  The class will move their game
piece according to the number they have left on the board.

Shelf my husband made for me to hold the supplies I need handy at the front. 

Screamer's time out corner.

Can I please teach now?


  1. Your room looks fabulous! I missed something. Are you teaching at your mom's former school? I had to laugh at your ketchup bottle. I made a similar one last year, because my students would always laugh when I said "catch-up" day. I am nowhere NEAR ready, but I have a couple more weeks.

  2. Your room looks awesome! I am so envious. My stuff is in 3 locations right now: 1/3 in my new room, 1/3 at home, and 1/3 still in my old room AND school starts Tuesday! Panicing here! Congrats on your room though. Excellent learning environment. I really like the screamer 's chair.

  3. Oh my goodness.

    Screamers corner. I laughed! ;)

  4. Looks good! :) I love the Eric Carle dot border, it's on my wish list for this year.

  5. Your room looks great! I bought the same Eric Carle trim this summer at Barnes and Noble! I love it! Didn't see the animals though. :)

  6. Room is looking good! I have the same tables (for the kids). Just got them last year and I was shocked that basically the rest of the teaching staff is following my idea and replacing their rectangle tables and desks for the flower shape. I ordered 6. One in each color. For some ridiculous reason, I still want to decorate above the table, but I really don't need to. I think I can recommend these tables to other art teachers, but I wouldn't order stools if I did it all over again. This year I need to teach them how to sit on them without falling off. I am not even sure how to do that if that isn't obvious to a person! - Erica

  7. I love your behavior game you found from pinterest. I may have to use that in my room. I start setting up my room in just over a week and I love some of the things you have done in your room. If I use any of your ideas I will make sure to link to you from my new blog:

  8. Hi there! Where did you get your large Eric Carle animals for your standards? I love them!!

  9. I am so excited to see those adorable Kohl's Cares Eric Carle books :D

  10. I really enjoyed the tour. I had to laugh at the screamer's chair because my principal would NEVER let me do that as much as I want to! It also amazed me to see chalboards in your artroom. Your district can afford smartboards but not whiteboards? Weird! Have an awesome year and I look forward to your posts.


  11. Angie, Yes I am teaching at the school my mom started at. It is also where I went to Kindergarten!
    Ms. Cummings, I couldn't imagine putting together 3 art rooms! You go girl! You're my hero.
    Erica, I wish we could decorate above the tables... :( Fire hazard.
    Becky Lynn, use as many ideas as you want. Let me know when you post it.
    Sarah, Barnes and Noble had eric Carle animals and the boarder game with it.
    Pat, We do have whiteboards. You had to request them about a year or so ago. This is my first year at this school so I did request one. I'm making do with the chalk board. I hate the sound when I draw though.... The rolling easel in my room is a dry erase board. I've been using it A LOT!

  12. I have a question... You have a Kinder teacher called Plunket. My kinder teacher was Mrs. Plunket but I grew up on Long Island... Could this be any relation???? She was such a nice teacher! :)

  13. Hey Kristin,
    I'd say no relation. This Plunkett used to be a Lott. But I'll ask her.
