Sunday, July 15, 2012

New Room: Before Pictures

OMGosh! Where did the summer go? Our teachers start back July 25th and the time is ticking. So far getting ready for my new school and class room has consisted of organizing and unpacking. I am very excited about my new room because it has so much potential. Yes, it is smaller than my last, but I sought out help from Jessica from The Art of Education for some inspiration

Note: Art is changing locations at my new school. Therefore, some of these pics won't look like a typical art room... Yet.
The display board outside my room. I've always wanted something I can pin and staple to.
 Front boards.
 Side boards. I've never had so many!
 Always wanted a kidney shaped table!
 Lots of storage possibilities. Look at those HUGE cubbies!
 Teacher closet. I can hang my coat now.
 Low sink for students with lots of counter space... chair not included.
 These desks are no longer in the room. This pic is for the awesome little storage cubbies. 26 total!
 Yes, this room has a great view too.
 These pics are taken from the school's old art room. I have since moved it all to the new location.
I dug through tons of unused supplies. The former teacher really didn't like to get out of the comfort zone of crayons and colored pencils. 
 I found 2 unused class packs of oil pastels! Jack pot!
 This scared me... It has now been emptied and will be reorganized. Deep in it's depths.... 14 class packs of unused colored pencils and even some prisma colored pencils.
 A drying rack!
 These were the only scissors I found.
 I have always wanted round tables. I am so excited to use these this year!
Stay tuned for the after pics :)


  1. wow, looks like lots of work and lots of fun. i've never seen tables like the red ones at the bottom of the list, interesting! have fun, i'll be starting about a week after you.

  2. Congrats on the room! Can't believe you start back in July! When do the kids start? Is your time prior to start of kids your own time in your room or is there structured planning, prof.development, meetings etc?

    In NY pretty much everyone starts back after Labor Day, though we do go in and set up our classrooms during August. Usually we have one Superintendent's Conference Day with meetings and other stuff right after Labor Day and WHAM the kids are back the very next day.

  3. Thank Ladies! I'm excited to get started.
    Phyl, we have Teacher inservice day, PLC, County Wide inservice, Admin day, and one teacher prep day. The 1st of August is the first day of school and it's a half day for kids, all day for us. Teachers are working in their rooms as soon as the floors are waxed in July. We do go back 3 weeks earlier than my former system, but I love the calendar in this county. We have a week fall break, a week at Thanksgiving, 2 1/2 weeks Christmas, one spring break week, and 7 more days are split up around the year to create a 4 day weekend for kids. Like we will get a Friday off before Presidents day on a Monday. I'm excited.

  4. Looks like a nice space for you. The tables are super cool. I can tell right now that the kids will think you are THE BEST! First of all because you are a great art teacher, and second because it sounds like the teacher they are used to was a bit of a bummer!

  5. Wow! I think you start back before our continuous learning schools! I did have to start one year at the end of July. The room looks like a good size with storage, too. Nice.

  6. Thanks Jen! Miss you! Think of me on the 25th when you're still enjoying your break. :)

  7. YIKES!! JULY 25!!!!!!
    Those cubbies look great. All that storage!! Congrats!

  8. The new room looks awesome. So much potential. Can't wait to see it when it is all set up. But seriously...July 25th?!?! when did you get out?

  9. I love your tables! I now have table envy! Wow, July 25th! Here in Jersey the kids don't come back until after Labor Day! Teachers in my district report back three days before the kids for meetings and professional development. I'll go back and forth the next few weeks to get my supplies unpacked and rooms set up. Last year I moved to 2 new rooms so the unpacking and set up took weeks to get it the way I wanted it! Good luck in your new room! :)

  10. I can't get over the 14 CLASSPACKS of colored pencils! I would have spent that money on clay and glazes! Did you know the previous art teacher? Was he/she a hoarder? Love the round, red tables and all of the cubbies. You are gonna do great things in that room!
