Monday, June 11, 2012


As many of you know I had to leave my wonderful job as the art teacher at Stone Elementary, but I am happy to announce...
I will be the new art teacher at Mt. Pleasant Elementary in Middle TN! I will be teaching PreK - 4th grade. The craziest things about this school is that it is where my mother started her teaching career in the public school system and it is where I went to Kindergarten. I feel so blessed to have this job especially when art jobs can come few and far between. A plan B was even in the works if a job didn't come along. 
I have met with the administration and I couldn't be more excited to start working with them. Stay tuned for pictures of the new art room from beginning to end.
Mt. Pleasant Elementary 

More good news!

accelerated degree programs
I was nominated for my blog entry about teaching Kinders using Art Centers. I am so honored to be nominated because I started this blog to evoke talk and discussion amongst educators and those in educator rolls. This nomination shows that Art Education is important in our children's lives. The fact that we have our own category in these awards shows we are taking an active roll in bettering their education. Good luck to my fellow nominees (I don't know who they are yet). 
Please click on the badge above to find out more details and when voting begins. I would appreciate everyone's vote! 

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