Monday, August 23, 2010

Art Marks

I would first like to thank Mrs. Brown for this inspiration! It is already a huge success!
At the end of each art class I give the class a mark. GREEN for a great day. YELLOW for an okay day with a few noise level reminders. Finally, RED for a not so good art day with a lot of noise reminders and even a "No Talking" on the board. 

At the end of the year, the class from each grade with the most GREENS wins a surprise party!!

I like for the students to be able to communicate during "working time", but they must use "Table Talk Voices" and keep working. If an individual gets too loud or is not working, then check out my "Pull Card" system. 


  1. I love the art marks! I have a system of stickers on a chart. They get 3 a day. One for coming in quietly and being ready, one for a good work time (following rules), and one for a quiet line up. This way they always have a chance to earn something even if it is the last 2 minutes for line up. It seems to work well:) I bet you're going to find the teachers like this system too and some might get competitive to see a lot of green next to their name:)

  2. I have a reward chart too, though I really love your system! On my chart, each class has a marker that moves ahead square for good days, stays in place for not so great days, and may rarely move backward for BAD days. The class that reaches the end first wins a 'pop-pop' party (popcorn and popsicles). We usually make it through the chart at least twice in a year.

  3. Cool! I'm trying a combination of different ideas I've read about this year. I saw in a magazine that an art teacher made big magnetic ART letters. She would take a letter down if behavior was less than desirable and if all three letters came down, no more art for that day. I decided to try that and assign 3 points for 3 letters left at the end of the class, 2 for 2, etc. I told the students that if they earn enough points, at the end of the nine weeks they will earn a reward day- something that is still art but maybe sculpting with play dough, playing pictionary, or free paint.

  4. Great idea and i loce thoes prints below

  5. I did a Hot Cheetos w/ water party with my fifth graders and paint on canvas day. They enjoyed it and have become very competitive to stay in the lead with exemplary behavior.

  6. I did a Hot Cheetos w/ water party with my fifth graders and paint on canvas day. They enjoyed it and have become very competitive to stay in the lead with exemplary behavior.
